Family Life Movement

Change is a Good Thing with Stacey Chillemi part 4

Episode Summary

Stacey Chillemi joins us today to discuss self-esteem, change, fear of change, impact of self-esteem on parenting, marriage.

Episode Notes

This episode was recorded in January 2020 for Matt's coming podcast-Wrestling with Fatherhood Reloaded.  We had released the COVID-19 relevant episodes first in episodes 48 & 49, then felt it was important to talk about grief the last several weeks due to our personal place in life, but felt these episodes still had great information since you have already been introduced to Stacey.


Staying motivated and inspired

Marriage/ Parenting

Stacey was with us in episode #48 & 49 to discuss family, health, business during a pandemic, episodes 53 to discuss mindset and parenting. She will be back in episodes 55 to continue the conversation. 

Resources Mentioned: (Links may be affiliate providing a commission from your purchase to Family Life Movement)

Websites/ Influencers

Stacey’s Websites

Matt and Jocelyn’s Links: